About Us

Welcome to Pacific Fresh Produce

We are United Kingdom and Spain based company growing in United Kingdom from last 10 year and in spain we started our operations from last 4 years.

Mohd. Tahir Javaid
Chairman and CEO

Mobile Number
+44 7886724058

Office Address
Pacifico Hortalizars Fresco, S.L.
Cmno San Anton 12 Planta 1
S Fulgencio 03177
San Fulgencio Alicante

Office Address
Pacific Fresh Produce
87 halley Road East ham E7 8DS

Sachin Kumar Srivastava
Managing Director

Mobile Number
+44 7983023051

Office Address
Pacifico Hortalizars Fresco, S.L.
Cmno San Anton 12 Planta 1
S Fulgencio 03177
San Fulgencio Alicante

Office Address
Pacific Fresh Produce
87 halley Road East ham E7 8DS

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