
Spain & UK Dill Growing

Dill is a popular culinary herb, mainly grown for its feathery leaves, which have a mild aniseed-like flavour, similar to fennel but more subtle. Dill is a short-lived plant, usually producing leafy harvests for several months until, sooner or later, it starts to flower. It’s easiest to sow it outdoors from mid-spring in a sunny spot, and you can start harvesting leaves in as little as eight weeks. If you sow several small batches from spring to mid-summer, you should have fresh dill leaves to enjoy through into autumn. If dill is allowed to flower and set seed, you should also get plenty of new.

Global Market Demand

The global dill juice market has been growing at a noteworthy pace and is projected to continue its upward trajectory from 2016 to 2023. The increasing preference for healthy foods and the rising demand for fresh dill juice are expected to be key drivers of market growth during this period.


Product Name Dill
Origin Spain & UK
Family Umbellifers
Binomial name Anethum graveolens


Keep at a temperature of at least 15°C (60°F). Dill can be sown virtually all year round to grow on a sunny windowsill or in a warm greenhouse, but for transplanting outdoors sow from mid-spring to early summer. Seeds should germinate in about a week.


Water the plants freely during the growing season, ensuring that they don't dry out excessively. In order to ensure a season-long fresh supply of dill, continue sowing seeds every few weeks.